We're On A mission!

Brenton Rice from Safeto16.org is on a mission to have everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand understand what 'grooming behaviour' looks like. Once you apply that knowledge, children will have the protection needed to safeguard their innocence.

Did you know that there are No External Features that can identify a child sex offender?

Operation Bulwark

Starting on the 1st January 2023 and ending on the 31st of December 2024.

Join the Movement  – Be the Movement 
Sexual Assault Up

Brenton Rice – Founder, Business Owner and Consultant.

Qualifications in Policing, Intelligence Analysis, Restorative Justice, Health & Safety, together with a raft of life experiences, has enabled Brenton to become an authority on grooming behaviours of child sexual offenders.

“The journey to train parents around this subject began with a conversation with my partner, a schoolteacher.

Brenda came home one day and complained about the behaviour of a teacher who had a 10-year-old girl sitting on his knee.

Although there were policies and procedures in place, there was no clear process, nor had there been any training.”

As a former investigator I drafted some questions:

  • Have all staff signed a Code of Conduct agreeing to a process?
  • What would people think are inappropriate behaviours?
  • Do the behaviours fit within the criminal profile of a child sex offender?
  • In any organisation involving children, are all staff trained on what to look out for?
  • If there is an incident, what evidence should be recorded at the time?
  • What steps if any, should a witness take at the time?
  • Who does the witness report the event to?
  • What steps should be taken next?
  • What is the process for debrief?
  • How does an organisation maintain a clear and transparent process?

While researching potential solutions, I realised that:

  • There is a still a huge amount of offending occurring to children under 16.
  • The effects of children losing their innocence has known life-long consequences.
  • The low self-worth often repeats into generational abuse.
  • There are only four behaviours to be aware of, and can be taught to parents and children
  • A simple prevention model would bring an end to the silence that has allowed these terrible crimes to continue.

I could not find a prevention model that was simple, or that affordable, so I created:

  • An organisational ‘Code of Conduct’
  • A training course for parents to teach them and their children what to look out for.
  • https://safeto16.nz was born
Sexual Assault Up

Brenton Rice – Founder, Business Owner and Consultant.

Qualifications in Policing, Intelligence Analysis, Restorative Justice, Health & Safety, together with a raft of life experiences, has enabled Brenton to become an authority on grooming behaviours of child sexual offenders.

“The journey to train parents around this subject began with a conversation with my partner, a schoolteacher.

Brenda came home one day and complained about the behaviour of a teacher who had a 10-year-old girl sitting on his knee.

Although there were policies and procedures in place, there was no clear process, nor had there been any training.”

As a former investigator I drafted some questions:

  • Have all staff signed a Code of Conduct agreeing to a process?
  • What would people think are inappropriate behaviours?
  • Do the behaviours fit within the criminal profile of a child sex offender?
  • In any organisation involving children, are all staff trained on what to look out for?
  • If there is an incident, what evidence should be recorded at the time?
  • What steps if any, should a witness take at the time?
  • Who does the witness report the event to?
  • What steps should be taken next?
  • What is the process for debrief?
  • How does an organisation maintain a clear and transparent process?

While researching potential solutions, I realised that:

  • There is a still a huge amount of offending occurring to children under 16.
  • The effects of children losing their innocence has known life-long consequences.
  • The low self-worth often repeats into generational abuse.
  • There are only four behaviours to be aware of, and can be taught to parents and children
  • A simple prevention model would bring an end to the silence that has allowed these terrible crimes to continue.

I could not find a prevention model that was simple, or that affordable, so I created:

  • An organisational ‘Code of Conduct’
  • A training course for parents to teach them and their children what to look out for.
  • https://safeto16.nz was born



Help Auckland


In the next 2 years
Babies born
Children Abused Before Aged 18
0 >
Boys Will Be Abused
0 +
Girls Will Be Abused
0 +

Who Am I?

Baby in the 1950s

The 50's child

Growing up in the heart of Auckland with a loving Mum and Dad. Unfortunately targeted by a predator at the age of 10

The 1970s

The Formative Years

The realised loss of innocence led me toward a new friend - alcohol. The slippery downhill slope saved by the love of a beautiful woman and our children.

Brenton Rice

Old Fart

Muhammad Ali said that a man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life. Very grateful to be around to agree with the legend!

What I Do: .

I live in a bush block in Waipu with my partner Brenda.

I run a business that requires travel a couple of days a week.

I’m passionate about saving the lives of our future – our tamariki. 

What I've Done:

Diploma in NZ Policing

Police Officer (91 -99)

General Duties, CIB, CIS, Youth Aid. Completed 1st Intelligence Analysis Course 1994. Learnt that behaviour is a key signature of a criminal's intent, Essentially they know what they're doing is wrong, but believe that they can get away with it.

Youth Insearch

NZ Founder Youth Insearch (98 -04)

In 1997 I attended a youth camp in the Blue mountains of NSW, dedicated to helping teenagers who'd suffered childhood trauma..I decided that we had to have this program in NZ. Over 2000 participants attended the program in my six year involvement - most making life-changing decisions going into adulthood


Business Owner (09 - current)

Created and continue to run my own health and safety consultancy. Specialise in SME setup, however have worked with national and multi-national organisations. Enjoy watching business owners who get it - a simple, worker engagement process.

My Grandies!


I'm here today as a father, grandfather, brother, uncle, foster dad, step-dad and male. I honour my tupuna and Hauora by showing respect and love to all who enter into my life. Occassionaly there are those whose behaviour lose my respect, however life is too short to bear grudges.

Pita Alatini


The gym The surf The bike Snowboarding Skating (electric skateboard) Tennis Whole food The music - Live band Loose Covers Breathing

Where Do I Fit?

Harry Truman said"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit"
We are destined to change the world for good, so I thought I'd make a start 🙂

GG gong
Hazard vs Risk
Loose Covers
Super Heroes
Lake Ohau


"Brenton's passion to get things done is borne out by his actions. A man of his word
Trish Love
Trish Love
Business Owner
I've trained alongside these guys for over 7 years now and they are great role models of consistency and kindness. Tho Brent is cheeky - a lot
Nats H
The statistics in the Safeto16 course are disturbing and should motivate us all to take action
Speech language
Elizabeth K

Monthly updates on the journey to December 2024.
What and how we are going to END THE SILENCE.

Every month you receive an update, we simply ask that you pass the message on to one person who may not know about the project to dry up the opportunities for child sex offenders.

If you would like to contact Brenton 

email brent@safework.nz

Ph 021 263 2633